Tuesday, 18 January 2011


Lots of things going on at the moment and lots of things to remember. Here's a few of them:

  1. Auditions for Ali Baba on Thursday morning. Make sure you come in your time slot!
  2. Non-uniform day on Wednesday NEXT WEEK. Please bring a small gift that we can use as a prize at the Spring Fair. It shouldn't be an expensive gift. Do not bring a toy that you got free from a fast food restaurant.
  3. Tomorrow is the last day for photo money.
  4. Festival of Football and Spring Fair - February 17th
  5. Y5-2 Class Assembly - February 16th (I think)


Nurin said...

this is the website of the homework find a myths in your country. the website is:http://www.geographia.com/malaysia/myth.html

jean said...

hi mr ward sorry but i forgot my itu book at school

and the adress for my myth is

Anonymous said...

mr ward wat r last weeks spellings?