Just two questions today:
Which planets are solid?
Which planets are gas?
To answer the question, click on the words '0 replies' underneath this message. Type your answer in the box. Type the strange word that checks to see if you are human or spam. Click on 'Name/url' and type your name. Click on 'Publish comment'.
If your internet is not working, please get a note to say so.
Good luck!
Tuesday, 14 December 2010
Sunday, 12 December 2010
You're A Star!
Saturday, 11 December 2010
Playing Games
We went down to visit the YEs today, Mrs Jones' class in fact. We took the various board games we had made at the start of our Astronomy topic and the little kids seemed to really enjoy them. We did notice that they found it difficult to count up to 6, which made some of the games quite hard, and they were very shy to start off with but they almost all enjoyed themselves by the end of our visit and, as you can see, they were all smiling and happy by the end.
Tuesday, 30 November 2010
Our Place In Space
Here's the video that we watched in class. It gives you a really good idea about the size of Earth and the Sun compared to some of the other things in space. We are really tiny!
Monday, 29 November 2010
Today's Homework
- Daily Maths 2
- Comprehension: either Letts p.24-25 or Key Comprehension p.68-69
- Reading (including doing the Reading Activity for those who didn't do it on Saturday)
Saturday, 27 November 2010
Today's Homework
Gosh, I was so busy chatting to people's parents that I almost didn't put the homework up! That would never do. Here it is:
- Spelling - write a sentence using a synonym, then write the meaning of the shape words
- Daily Maths 1
- Continue Scientist Research
- Reading Activity
- Abacus PCM p.17
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
Today's Homework
1. Finish Abacus SDM p.30 – draw the shapes and add the diagonals. Use the spotted paper.
2. Abacus PCM p.112
4. Reading
Monday, 22 November 2010
Today's Homework
1. Spelling - answer the crossword, choose 5 extra words, learn the words for Wednesday's test
2. Newspaper Worksheet q. 1-6
3. Find the name of a scientist connected to space discoveries
2. Newspaper Worksheet q. 1-6
3. Find the name of a scientist connected to space discoveries
Tuesday, 9 November 2010
Today's Homework
- Daily Maths 4
- Maths sheet
- Finish the title page of 'Astronomy'
- Answer the Jeddah question - Why did the population of Jeddah suddenly increase after 1945? Write the answer in your jotter.
- Bring a space object - Mrs Ward has 64!
Monday, 8 November 2010
Today's Homework
- Daily Maths 1
- Abacus PCM p.28
- Spelling - learn the words, add five new ones, write the missing words from the sentences
- Space paper - write the missing words in the gaps
- Reading - don't forget to get your reading record signed
Saturday, 6 November 2010
Today's Homework
1. Spelling homework - learn the words, find 5 new ones to add to the list, finish the wordsearch
2. Daily Maths 1
3. Bring an object connected to space - we're starting our topic on Astronomy and here's where we begin; try to find things with a name connected to space, that have a picture about space or that are used to learn about space. Be creative! There are lots of things out there. chocolate
2. Daily Maths 1
3. Bring an object connected to space - we're starting our topic on Astronomy and here's where we begin; try to find things with a name connected to space, that have a picture about space or that are used to learn about space. Be creative! There are lots of things out there. chocolate
Friday, 5 November 2010
International Day
Well, what a lovely time we had. We walked around the school and saw all the other children (and a lot of parents). We sat under a giant wobbly blue sheet and listened to the choir and the cast of Grease. We came back to class and enjoyed the food from different parts of the world. We listened to Anmar play the guitar so that he could achieve one of his targets. And the best part of all was that we still had time for a spelling test! Enjoy the photos.

International Day,
Tuesday, 2 November 2010
Today's Homework
Monday, 1 November 2010
Today's Homework
- Times table square - remember to record the time as well as how many you got correct.
- Abacus PCM p. 8 & 11
- Reading - your job is to ask your parents to sign the record. Their job is to sign it. Every day.
- Island Homework 3 - you are writing a play script about meeting the people from the island. You need to include the features of a play such as character names on the left, stage directions and a scene location. The ideas on the paper are just suggestions; you can write much more than that, at least 2 pages I think. Imagine what the island people might say. Why do they want to find you? Are they friendly? Do you speak their language? Where do you go with them?
Saturday, 30 October 2010
Today's Homework
- Daily Maths 1
- Spelling activity + learn spellings - make sure that you understand the rules about making plurals. The test could be on any common plural. Remember to find 5 more words to add as well.
- Island Homework 2 - choose 5 people from the list to help you survive on the island. Write two or three sentences for each person, explaining why you chose them. Also explain why you DIDN'T choose the other people.
- Get your Reading Record signed
- Bring the Parents' Evening letter back
Friday, 29 October 2010
Jeans For Genes
Thanks very much to everyone for all of your generosity on Jeans for Genes day. We had a lot of fun wearing our own clothes and collected a lot of money for a very good cause as well. We watched a video in assembly and another one in class about the problems that Jeans for Genes Day helps with. Actually, we're not helping problems, we're helping children and families and we had a really good talk about our lives and our families.
As promised, here's a photo of all of our happy faces on Jeans for Genes day
and here's a link to the Jeans for Genes website. You can watch the videos that we were talking about here.
Jeans for Genes,
Monday, 25 October 2010
Today's Homework
- Learn your spellings and do the spelling activity - give it in on Wednesday
- Finish your settlement plan - you need to colour it or somehow show the difference between houses, shops and other buildings
- Abacus PCM p. 7 & 103
- Times table square
- Reading
Sunday, 24 October 2010
Nassief House
Saturday, 23 October 2010
Today's Homework
What an exciting day we've had! A lovely visit to Nassief House, seeing the oldest tree in Jeddah and one of the best preserved of the traditional Saudi houses and to top it all off, a dead rat in the street! What more could anyone ask for? There will be photos to follow but here's today's work:
- Daily Maths 4
- Finish your cartoon story, including colouring - you should be drawing a cartoon about being honest or what might happen if you aren't honest. It could be an event that really happened or something you have made up.
- Write the trip to Nassief House as a play - use the questions we asked (and the answers!) as the dialogue (that means the talking). You can make up extra talking if you want to. Remember to use stage directions and character names.
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
Monday, 18 October 2010
Today's Homework
- Daily Maths 3
- Times Table Square - remember to record the time it took you to do it
- Play Script Comprehension - Letts p. 8 or p.15 Only the Yellow box questions
- Finish Abacus SDM p.6
- Reading
You need to bring your trip money this week.
If you want to go to Cinema Night, Saturday is the last day to hand in your money.
Saturday, 16 October 2010
Today's Homework
- Daily Maths 1
- Write 3 spelling words for each of the 'or' spellings - we did this in class this morning. There were 7 different ways of making the 'or' sound; write 3 examples for each word eg saw, sore, sauce etc
- Copy the spelling words into your handwriting book - don't forget the date and to write neatly!
- Write the missing words from the spelling sentences - don't write the sentences, don't write in the spaces, make a list
- Abacus PCM p.125 & 126
- Reading
Friday, 15 October 2010
More News
One more little tidbit of information: we'll be choosing our Student Councillor and Deputy SC on Sunday. If you wish to be a candidate (ie if you want people to vote for you) then you need to get two nominations (two people who think you will be a good councillor) and hand them to me. The people nominating you have to write down a reason why you would be a good councillor. We will vote on all the candidates on Sunday before second break.
If you haven't paid for your lovely school hat yet, please bring the money As Soon As Possible.
If you haven't paid for your lovely school hat yet, please bring the money As Soon As Possible.
Thursday, 14 October 2010
New News
Just a couple of reminders of things to do or bring next week:
We are now on full Uniform Alert, starting Saturday. That is when you should be wearing all the correct uniform, as explained to you many times over the last three weeks, now including HATS! Bring your school hat or you'll be sitting on the No School Hat, No Play bench.
If you or your parents have any photos of Jeddah from before you were born (ie long ago), can I borrow them? I promise to return them quickly and in good condition :-) Anything showing people or places that have changed since then would be good. If you have the photos on a memory card, that's all good.
We are now on full Uniform Alert, starting Saturday. That is when you should be wearing all the correct uniform, as explained to you many times over the last three weeks, now including HATS! Bring your school hat or you'll be sitting on the No School Hat, No Play bench.
If you or your parents have any photos of Jeddah from before you were born (ie long ago), can I borrow them? I promise to return them quickly and in good condition :-) Anything showing people or places that have changed since then would be good. If you have the photos on a memory card, that's all good.
Tuesday, 12 October 2010
Super Students ctd.
Ok, here's the latest update. We've got our first two groups of the week lined up, looking happy on the carpet. We've got our newest pen licence winners smiling nicely for the camera and, coming soon, we'll have this week's Super Student. Enjoy the photos!

Super Students
Today's Homework
1. Home Country Research - fill in the settlement hierarchy for your own country ie the capital, a large town, a small town and a village. Answer the two questions: what is the population of your country? what is the population of the capital?
2. Finish off Abacus SDM p.59 - you need to roll the dice 40 times and make a bar-line graph of the results
3. Finish off the questions about Saudi Arabia - make sure that you write in full sentences
Remember! Bring the hat money in tomorrow!
2. Finish off Abacus SDM p.59 - you need to roll the dice 40 times and make a bar-line graph of the results
3. Finish off the questions about Saudi Arabia - make sure that you write in full sentences
Remember! Bring the hat money in tomorrow!
Yesterday's Homework
Here it is, although I'm sure you've already done it.
1. Answer all the Text questions from p.8 or p.11 - Just the purple box questions about the play. Some people use page 8, some use p. 11
2. Reading Activity 4 or 5 - it depends which one you've already done.
3. Daily Maths 3
1. Answer all the Text questions from p.8 or p.11 - Just the purple box questions about the play. Some people use page 8, some use p. 11
2. Reading Activity 4 or 5 - it depends which one you've already done.
3. Daily Maths 3
Saturday, 9 October 2010
Today's Homework
- Daily Maths 4
- Abacus PCM p.27
- Spelling - complete the word search, write the missing words (but not in the spaces) and make sure you have changed the 10 'short vowel' words to the past tense.
- Reading
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
Today's Homework
- Learn your spellings
- Abacus PCM - 3MM Groups E & F = p.24, 3MM Groups G & H = p.24 & p.25
- Finish your Home Town Project - practise what you want to say, try not to read too much from a paper, make sure you understand it and...good luck!
- Reading
Super Students!
Here's another couple of wonderful world of Y5-2. Sarah and Laila have taken up the gauntlet thrown down by Jayvee last week and have earned themselves a pen licence as well. Our first girls! There's more on the way, I'm sure so buck up everyone else! Don't dilly dally.

Super Students
Yesterday's Homework!
Yes, I was busy getting ready for the Open House yesterday so I didn't get around to putting the homework on here. Sorry about that but thanks very much to all the parents who came to find out about school and Y5. We had a very 'interesting' conversation...mwah ha ha ha!
1. Daily Maths 3
2. Reading Activity 3
3. Finish your 3 targets, type them, bring them on a flash drive. You started writing them in your jotter. Finish writing them, they type them. Remember that they need to be S.M.A.R.T.
4. Continue with Hometown Project.
1. Daily Maths 3
2. Reading Activity 3
3. Finish your 3 targets, type them, bring them on a flash drive. You started writing them in your jotter. Finish writing them, they type them. Remember that they need to be S.M.A.R.T.
4. Continue with Hometown Project.
Saturday, 2 October 2010
Today's Homework
Another week, another list! Here we go again:
- Daily Maths 4
- Abacus PCM p. 101 - it's changing from km to m and more along the same lines. Think about multiplying and dividing. How many places do you need to move the number?
- Spelling Activity - remember, never ever, never, never, ever write the word in the spaces!
- Continue with the Home Town project - the due date is Wednesday, 6th October!
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
A Rising Star of Y5-2
Here's someone who's done really well this week; it's Jayvee, sitting proudly at the teacher's desk because he was the first person in our class to get their Y5 pen licence. He tried really hard with his handwriting example and he has been working neatly in his other books as well. I wonder who will be the next to join him!
Super Students
Tuesday, 28 September 2010
Today's Homework
Today's Homework is...
- Daily Maths 3
- Learn your spellings
- Reading Activity 2 - if you have Laura's Reading Log (it says Laura at the top) you can give me your activity on Saturday
- Continue with Home Town project.
Monday, 27 September 2010
Today's Homework
Ok, middle of the week time again. Here's what to do today:
- Daily Maths 2 - ONLY Daily Maths 2, not all of them! Remember the date and title.
- Write the spelling word and the meaning next to it. This is a handwriting task as well so try your best to join your letters and make them a regular size. Let's see who can get the next pen licence!
- Continue on your Home Town project.
Saturday, 25 September 2010
Today's Homework
- Daily Maths 1 (in your Maths Homework book)
- Reading Activity 1 (stick the sheet in your Reading Activity book)
- Learn your spellings and match the meanings (in your spelling book)
- Abacus PCM p.2
All your homework is due in the next day, unless I say otherwise. Don't forget to get your homework diary signed!
Well done to Jean and Dino, who were the only people to answer the Mystery Question. I know I said that it wasn't the real question but they made an effort anyway so 1hp to them. Have you tried the new one?
Mystery Question
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
Today's Homework
Another day, another piece of homework. Yesterday's was fairly good. We had SOME lovely, colourful name cards which Mrs Badr has already stuck onto the trays. There are a few people who have 'forgotten' and who promise to bring it in tomorrow. Let's see if they do.
Here's today's work:
Here's today's work:
- Finish your Settlements table; you know, the list of 6 buildings in each settlement, City, Town and Village.
- Practice your 4x and 7x table. Anmar had a great idea of having a test to check who knows their tables so we'll do that tomorrow.

National Day
Monday, 20 September 2010
Today's Homework
Here it is. What you've all been waiting for; the first homework of the year!
- Finish your name card - as colourful and individual as you can make it. You're going to be looking at it all year; you'll be happier if you are looking at something nice.
- Complete your 'Year 5 Passport' paper - it's a little 'getting to know you' exercise for us all.
- Keep working on your 'Home Town' project. This will be hard for some people because they haven't done ANY work on it yet. If you haven't started, ask your mum and dad where the paper is that tells you about the project. Start working now!
The best news has been saved till last; we have our first mystery question answer! Well done Jean!
Mystery Question
Saturday, 18 September 2010
1 Day Down, 39 To Go
Wow! What a day!! We had 18 out of 21 kids in today, all brimming with energy and raring to get to work at the beginning of another wonderful year. We talked about all of our expectations for Year 5, gave out LOADS of uniform slips, learned about how Mr Ward wants his maths books to appear and even had time for our first bit of homework. What a busy day!
Let's see if we're all here tomorrow and if we can all remember each others' names!
Let's see if we're all here tomorrow and if we can all remember each others' names!
Tuesday, 14 September 2010
New Beginnings
Welcome back to school again! The countdown has begun and I'm sure we're all full of energy and ready to start on Saturday. I know you've all got your uniform ready, your pencils are sharpened and your shoes are polished. Anway, the teachers are all busy brightening up the classrooms and sorting out all the things you'll be doing in the first week. See you soon!
Friday, 2 July 2010
Today's Homework
Well, it says today but it should be Wednesday's. Anyway...
But! Because it's Friday, have a Ninja Cat.

- Daily Maths 5
- Finish off your draft letter to Magrabi (should be almost finished)
- Bring in a fruit with seeds. Bonus pat on the back for bringing in the biggest seed or the most unusual fruit.
But! Because it's Friday, have a Ninja Cat.
Monday, 28 June 2010
Sunday, 27 June 2010
Do My Eyes Deceive Me Ctd.
Here's another interesting video about optical illusions that I came across. It won a prize for the best illusion in the world, apparently. According to the description, magnets might be involved. See if you can work out what is happening.
The Physical World,
Flower Power
We had a little walk around the school today to observe the wondrous beauty of nature. Then we brought some back to class and pulled it to pieces.
Actually we were studying flowers as part of our work on plants. We were trying to identify the different parts of the flower and noting the differences between one plant and another. All part of the miraculous world around us that we are often too busy to even notice. As the saying goes, when you travel along the path of life, take time to stop and smell the flowers.
Actually we were studying flowers as part of our work on plants. We were trying to identify the different parts of the flower and noting the differences between one plant and another. All part of the miraculous world around us that we are often too busy to even notice. As the saying goes, when you travel along the path of life, take time to stop and smell the flowers.
Flower Opening Time Lapse from John Blakney on Vimeo.
Saturday, 26 June 2010
Friday, 25 June 2010
Today's Homework
Just the one today:
- Use the picture 'The Scream' as the starting point of a story. Imagine that you are one of the people in the picture. What happened that day? What were you feeling? Were you one of the friends in the background or were you the person at the front? What did you see or hear? How did you help? What happened after the scream?
Monday, 21 June 2010
Today's Homework
- Daily Maths 3
- Maths 100 square
- Science paper
- Spelling paper - make words, colour picture - give in on Wednesday
- Reading
Saturday, 19 June 2010
Today's Homework
- Daily Maths 2
- Abacus PCM p. 73 & 74
- Finish the Cryptogram, write the meaning of 5 spelling words & add 5 to your list
- Reading
- Remember your pictures or music - 1 of each or 2 of one of them
Only one answer to the mystery question last week; how many times has the World Cup been held outside Europe. Sulaiman was first (and last) with the correct answer so 1hp to him.
Mystery Object
Wednesday, 16 June 2010
Today's Homework
No picture of our winner, Engineer Wael El Taher. I forgot to bring my camera to school! Instead, have some homework:
- Science Worksheets - finish the Electricity and Light pages - ie p.138-141 & p.146-149. We've done some in class (most of us) so it won't be as much as it seems.
- Bring a piece of music or a picture to school on Saturday. You should choose one that makes you feel happy and one that makes you feel sad. You can bring 2 songs or 2 pictures or 1 of each if you like. If you don't have a cd or iPod, send me a message with the name of the song and the singer and I can probably find it on YouTube.
Tuesday, 15 June 2010
We Are Golden
Monday, 14 June 2010
Today's Homework
- Reading Diary - you can use any fiction book you choose. It does not have to be your reading group book. Try to answer the questions from the diary.
- Persuasive letters & Advertising - Letts p70-71 Text & Sentence questions; Mrs Kingham & Mrs Ralston's group Letts p.80-81 Text questions; Ismail - two pages from your English workbook.
- Please try to bring in any boxes or tubes that you might want to make your game or camera. If you bring nothing, you make nothing.
Fun & Games
We've been trying to have fun and make games at school today. Of course, every day is fun in Mr Ward's class but this time it's educational! We started off trying to make a game which uses magnets or electricity. We had some very complex and impressive ideas which were quite hard to create but some of decided that simple ideas often work best so we stuck to a fishing game like this one.

Later this week we'll be making a camera using cardboard tubes. How exciting! If you want to have a go at home, here are some simple instructions to show you how. You may need an adult to help with a little bit of it.

Later this week we'll be making a camera using cardboard tubes. How exciting! If you want to have a go at home, here are some simple instructions to show you how. You may need an adult to help with a little bit of it.
Saturday, 12 June 2010
Today's Homework
Back to normal today. No more Outdoor Ed, no more non-uniform day. We even managed to get everyone to school. Eventually. So, now that we're all back together again, here's the homework!
- Abacus PCM p. 67 +68
- Persuasive writing paper: You have 10 comments by people who are for and against school uniform. In other words they think that school uniform is either a good thing or a bad thing. You need to cut up the 10 parts and stick them into two groups so that all of the statements in favour of school uniform are together and all those which are against it are together. Stick the pieces in your blue English homework book.
- Bring cardboard tubes and boxes to help make a camera and magnetic game.
Wednesday, 9 June 2010
Today's Homework
Ah, lovely homework. How we have missed you when we were doing Outdoor Ed.
- Science Booklet p.140, 141, 143, 145 - That makes 4 pages altogether
- Bring a cardboard box eg a cereal or tissue box and two cardboard tubes eg Pringles or kitchen roll tubes - we need them to make things next week
Tuesday, 8 June 2010
Wednesday Warnings
As I said when we got back from Outdoor Ed today, there are a couple of things to remember for tomorrow:
- Non-uniform Day - bring 10SR if you want to wear your own clothes
- Movie Night - it starts at 7.30; the movie is 'How To Train Your Dragon' and the cost is 15SR. You'll need a note from your parents if you want to go to this. They should have received an email from the school telling them about it.
Monday, 31 May 2010
Today's Homework
- Spelling - Learn the new words, decode the anagrams, add 5 new words to the list, make 5 new anagrams from old spelling words
- Reading Diary - remember to answer the questions
- Electric Safety paper - colour the dangerous parts red and explain why they are dangerous
- Finish your research and presentation - you are telling us about it on WEDNESDAY!
Saturday, 29 May 2010
Welcome Back
Hello again everyone. I hope you enjoyed our most recent half-term. It may not have seemed very long but don't forget, it was 86400 seconds, which sounds a lot longer than than 1 day or 0.27% of a year. In case you don't know what I'm talking about, we'll be studying units of time this week in maths and those are three ways of writing 24 hours.
Now as we've missed Saturday, we won't be having a library lesson this week. If any of you want to bring your library books on Sunday (or any other day) I'm sure Mrs Schermer will be happy to take them. We won't be having a library lesson next week either as it's our OUTDOOR ED time! Yay!
One final thing; here's the video about the eye that we watched on Wednesday. Feel free to have another look, just in case I give you a test or something. :-)
Now as we've missed Saturday, we won't be having a library lesson this week. If any of you want to bring your library books on Sunday (or any other day) I'm sure Mrs Schermer will be happy to take them. We won't be having a library lesson next week either as it's our OUTDOOR ED time! Yay!
One final thing; here's the video about the eye that we watched on Wednesday. Feel free to have another look, just in case I give you a test or something. :-)
Outdoor Ed,
The Physical World,
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
Do My Eyes Deceive Me?
Coming Soon: the latest Golden Book AWard winners.
However, here's something else first. We are about to study a little about how the eye works, how we 'see' the world around us and what part light plays in this process. In my endless search for new and interesting study material, I came across this video. I thought that the tricks that the makers played using only light were amazing. Only the buildings and people are real; nothing that appears on the building is really there. Or is it?
However, here's something else first. We are about to study a little about how the eye works, how we 'see' the world around us and what part light plays in this process. In my endless search for new and interesting study material, I came across this video. I thought that the tricks that the makers played using only light were amazing. Only the buildings and people are real; nothing that appears on the building is really there. Or is it?
The Physical World,
Monday, 24 May 2010
Saturday, 22 May 2010
Thursday, 20 May 2010
Have A Wonderful Day
Here's a beautiful video I found which I thought I'd share. Mukhtar is a bus driver in Denmark. One day his passengers and friends decided to surprise him. It was his birthday.
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
Today's Homework
- Daily Maths 5
- Research International Aid Agencies - give in presentation on Wednesday, 2nd June
- Reading - get your record signed
Monday, 17 May 2010
Today's Homework
- Abacus PCM p.123
- Calculating Angles p.1
- Spelling sentences - write the whole sentence NEATLY!
- Continue preparing Theme Park advertisement
Saturday, 15 May 2010
Saturday Round Up
Here are a couple of the links I showed you in class. Have a look at what each theme park is advertising to get an idea of the kind of words they use and how they make their rides sound exciting.
Remember, you need to give in your advertisement on Wednesday!
Drayton Manor - this is the one that the Ward family visit in the summer holidays
Thorpe Park - I used to go there when I was little and the best ride was a bike with wobbly wheels. It's changed a bit.
Alton Towers - the most famous theme park in Britain. I went there once and queued for 90 minutes in the rain for a 45 second ride. Never again.
The winners of the mystery question last week were Adlan and Sulaiman again. Doesn't anyone else want housepoints?
Remember, you need to give in your advertisement on Wednesday!
Drayton Manor - this is the one that the Ward family visit in the summer holidays
Thorpe Park - I used to go there when I was little and the best ride was a bike with wobbly wheels. It's changed a bit.
Alton Towers - the most famous theme park in Britain. I went there once and queued for 90 minutes in the rain for a 45 second ride. Never again.
The winners of the mystery question last week were Adlan and Sulaiman again. Doesn't anyone else want housepoints?
Mystery Object,
The Physical World
Today's Homework
- Daily Maths 1 & 2
- Times table square
- Reading Log
- Sources for Forces - Write down the source(s) you used for your forces research.
- If you have a magnetic game at home, find out if you can bring it to school.
Wednesday, 12 May 2010
Today's Homework
1. Daily Maths 3 & 4
2. Science paper - Remember, you need to draw an arrow AND write a sentence!
3. Lunar Maths 5 - Design and make an advertisement for your Lunar Theme Park. You can make a video, make a brochure with Publisher or record your voice. We will plan this on Saturday but you can start thinking of ideas now.
4. Reading
2. Science paper - Remember, you need to draw an arrow AND write a sentence!
3. Lunar Maths 5 - Design and make an advertisement for your Lunar Theme Park. You can make a video, make a brochure with Publisher or record your voice. We will plan this on Saturday but you can start thinking of ideas now.
4. Reading
Tuesday, 11 May 2010
Group of the Week
Monday, 10 May 2010
Today's Homework
- Prepare presentation - you've had 3 weeks to get it ready. Tomorrow is the day! Make sure you have practiced speaking confidently and clearly. Make sure that you can speak without looking at a paper the whole time. Good luck!
- Abacus PCM Green Spot p.62 + 64, Blue Spot p.61 + 63 - No spot = you choose. You must do 2 pages!
- Reading
Sunday, 9 May 2010
Notre visite au Café Français
Aujourd'hui était jour international de nourriture! Nous sommes allés visiter le café français dans l'école aînée. Il y avait beaucoup d'étudiants nous servant et nous avons mangé des croissants et du pain au chocolat et avons bu du chocolat chaud. Nous tout apprécié notre temps là et avons même eu la chance de parler français!

Thursday, 6 May 2010
Today's Homework
- Continue research on forces - presentation on Tuesday
- Reading
- Lunar Theme Park 4 - you need to use the profit numbers from section 3, add on the money you get from cafes and shops, find the total and then subtract the costs of electricity and staff. You need to do this for all 30 days. Good luck!
Monday, 3 May 2010
Today's Homework
- Lunar Theme Park 1, 2 & 3 - finish your design (including colouring) and work out your costs and income
- Abacus PCM p.122 - you need a protractor
- Reading Log - Choose 1 activity
- Reading - don't forget your book report if it is your turn
Sunday, 2 May 2010
Bouncing Balls
As we've been bouncing balls lately as part of our science work, I thought you might appreciate this lovely little video of music created by the bouncing of different objects.
Gravité from Renaud Hallée on Vimeo.
Saturday, 1 May 2010
Joint Construction
We had a lot of fun building fairground rides out of Knex last week. It's a bit like Lego but not as easy to work with. For some reason, the girls were much better at building than the boys! I think we should start thinking about engineering careers ladies.
Here's a few photos of the successful, and not so successful models.

Here's a few photos of the successful, and not so successful models.
Monday, 26 April 2010
Today's Homework
- Daily Maths 3 & 4
- Finish your Fairground recount/Friction p.2 for Khaled
- Abacus PCM p.121
- Prepare an oral book report
Saturday, 24 April 2010
Random Reprobates
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