Sunday, 12 December 2010

You're A Star!

One of the things mentioned in the Oort Cloud work last week was a solar flare. Here's a picture that NASA took of the sun this week. You can see a huge solar flare in the bottom left corner. The flare was 700 000km long!


Ethan said...

Solid: Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars

Gas: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune

malek said...

Gas = Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

solid =mercury, venus, earth , and mars

mariam said...

solid:Earth , Mercury , venus , pluto (but it's not a planet anymore).

gas:Mars , jupiter , saturn , uranus , neptune.

Nadine El Rakaiby said...

Mercury, Venus, Earth and mars are solid and the rest are gas

sarah said...

mercury, Venus, earth, and mars are all solid planets. Jupiter, saturn, uranas, and neptune, are gas planets.