Thursday, 8 March 2012

A Book Is For Life...

We're thinking a lot about helping other people at the moment. Some of us have become very energised by thoughts of people in trouble around the world and how we need to help them. One difficulty is trying to find a way that we can make a difference when we are far away. Here's an example;

There are many kids around the world who cannot afford the things that we take for granted, like books. We may have many books that we don't even read any more while other kids have never had one of their own. One major publishing company has promised to donate one free book every time someone reads a book on their website. No money, no buying anything, just reading.

So here is something quite easy that we can do to help others. It's a simple action and all we need to do is give a little bit of time. Time is something that we have a lot of but we don't always like to share it with other people. If you click on this link and read a book and enter your email address, five minutes of your time could make a big difference to kids around the world.

1 comment:

rayan said...

MR ward i miss you when are u coming back to conti and if you dont know who i am im rayan hamduk i was in ur class last year