Well, this was me today, trying to get the class to make a paper aeroplane. Honestly, they were so lazy and useless. They couldn't follow any instructions. Some of them were even talking! I've never seen anything like it. I shouted and shouted, told them they were rubbish, said they should be embarrassed, everything...
Of course, I'm not really like that, as everyone knows. It was all just a game to try and show the students in Y4 the different things we can do to help people learn. Feeling happy, feeling confident and safe, knowing that someone is there to help you, knowing that what you do is appreciated all helps make learning not only more enjoyable, but also more successful.
So, for the last time, I was just PRETENDING to be nasty and anyone who says I am always like that will get double detention.
Anyway, here's the rest of today's work for our injured colleague:
We continued making a tv schedule, finding it a bit easier to decide when to show programmes and how to work out the time difference between Jeddah and different countries. This might be useful to read to learn more about time zones.
We continued working through Abacus; we're on to p.7 and 8 from Book 2. This section is all about times tables. We're doing our 6x table at the moment and we continue on to do all of them except 7x, 8, 11, and 12x. So, make sure you know the rest of them.
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