Saturday, 23 February 2008

This Week's Work

Unfortunately, one of our class members has fractured his arm rather badly so I will try to use this post as a record of what we've been doing in class. I'll try to update it every day but you'll have to keep coming back to this post to find out what to do.

Of course, it will also help anyone who hasn't been paying attention in class, but I'm sure there's nobody like that in Y4-5!


Topic - we tried making a tv schedule for the Olympic Games. Each group pretended to be in a different country. The Olympics were in Jeddah so they had to find out what times the events were shown in Jeddah and decide if they wanted to show live events, or only highlights, in their country.

The difficult part was working out what time it would be in their country, compared to the times in Jeddah. Some people were trying to show live events when they hadn't even started in Jeddah. Some people were trying to show highlights when the event hadn't finished.

Maths - we continued work with our times tables, moving on to the 6x table.

Spelling - we thought of as many homophones as we could. A homophone is a set of words which have exactly the same sound. For example; see and sea; knew and new; meet and meat. We also tried to think of words with silent letters; for example, fiGHt, throuGH, WeDnesday

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