Sunday 28 March 2010

Mystery Question Answered & Reminders

Only Sulaiman had a go at answering the question but even he didn't get it all right. Britain is made up of England, Scotland and Wales, which Sulaiman got right. He thought Mr Belfield is from Scotland, which he didn't.

A couple of reminders for this week:

MONDAY; Book Fair, so bring a little bit of money if you want to buy a book. Apparently they cost only a small amount so 10 or 20 riyals should be enough.

TUESDAY; We're going to Y1 to give them their books. Obviously you need to finish your book before then. Get to work!

WEDNESDAY; Book Day Parade! You should have an idea of a costume by now. We'll look at some more pictures tomorrow for those who haven't given it any thought at all. You know who you are.

Saturday 20 March 2010

Mystery Question Answered!

Sulaiman and Adlan had the correct answer again this week. Mrs Kingham and Mr and Mrs Moore have taught in Thailand.

Saturday 13 March 2010

Today's Homework

  1. Daily Maths 1 & 2
  2. Spelling sentences
  3. Reading
  4. Start thinking about a costume for Book Day on 31st March. It must be a character from a myth or legend.

Mystery Question Answered! (Sort of)

There was a bit of controversy over the mystery question this week as it appears that Mrs Badr may have accidentally helped in finding the answer. So, although we did have two people with the correct answer, I'm not sure if they were entirely unassisted, which is the point of the thing after all.

Anyway, you could have said either Mrs Abdullah or Mrs Arabi, who both have blue eyes.

Wednesday 10 March 2010

Today's Homework

  1. Daily Maths 3 & 5
  2. Abacus PCM p.53
  3. Reading
  4. Letts p.38-39 OR
  5. Letts p.78-79 OR
  6. Comprehension Plus p.12-13

Saturday 6 March 2010

Mystery Question Answered!

A buckyball is a spherical shape made out of carbon atoms. It is named after Richard Buckminster Fuller, an architect who designed dome-shaped buildings with a futuristic appearance. A buckyball looks like one of his buildings. My grandmother lives near this one and so does Tiya's cousin, apparently.

Sulaiman, Adlan and Arouba were the deserving winners.

Monday 1 March 2010

Today's Homework

1. Daily maths 1 & 2
2. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation for Saturday about a myth – you are not allowed to have any writing on the presentation and you cannot read from a paper – Memorise!
3. Letts p.36-37 Text & Sentence only OR Haydn Richards p.90 - do this in your ITU book