Ok folks. Welcome back after a long break and a longer pause since my last message. I've finally got the blog working at school again so we'll be having a bumper crop of messages today. I'm starting off with a picture. This is the picture for the Y5 & 6 Caption Competition. Some of you finished it in school, some were going to do it at home. Remember, every entry gains your team 2HousePoints which could make all the difference at the end of the year! Good luck!
Magnets are made by lodestone and iron. If the magnetic qualities of lodestone are passed in a magnetic substance, then it will be a permanent magnet.
Home Work
There are two ways of how to make magnets but I'll tell you one.
Magnets can be made by getting rings used for electric motors that is threaded to a copper pipe and place the copper pipe in a tube. After that you place it on the floor and fill the tube with silica sand and then you have to seal both ends of the tube with pond creath. Then you place it into a electrical fernis. Then you have to wait till the tube is red hot. Then you cool it down with a special machine. Then you brake the cover and take out everything and the copper pipe is broken in circles and they are not magnetic yet. You then have to get this special machine that you put the magnet on and and press a button and then gives the magnet power.
HEY MR WARD THIS IS THE work Magnets. are objects that create their own electric fields. These electric fields attract each other if their charges ( + and -)are opposites, and repel one another if their charges are alike(+ and +). Natural magnets are composed of a mineral known as magnetite. Electromagnets are man made and create magnetism when energized with electricity.
2 century's ago they discovered that electricty made magnets
the materials are: copper, cobolt, selfert, nickle, pure Iron, alminium, titanyam.
magents are made by iron,cobalt,nickel or steel which each have their own molicules which are alined to the same directions they each have a southpole and a northpole.
i got my answers from ehow.com
jean sunil
magnets are made by lodestone then they pass the lodestone through a magnetic substance, then it will be a permanent magnet.
Magnets are made by lodestone. If the magnetic qualities of lodestone are passed in a magnetic substance, then it will be a permanent magnet.
Magnets are made by lodestone. If the magnetic qualities of lodestone are passed in a magnetic substance, then it will be a permanent magnet.
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