What a shock we had in school today! There was a very unexpected bit of news that made everyone very happy; Mr Ward was back! Hurray! shouted all the children when they saw him. Boo! shouted all the children when he made them start work. As some of you know, I was gone for a few days because I had to go to a party. Not just any party of course; my grandfather has reached the ancient age of 100 years old. He is a century, as Ruy said, and his family came back from various bits of the world to be with him on his special day. You can see a picture of all of his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren in this newspaper photo. He is the one who looks very old and I am the one who looks very handsome.

Our second bit of news, not quite as exciting, is that school is closed tomorrow. We have been told that rain is expected and we should close the school as a precaution, therefore there is no school (sadly) and no Cinema Night. Keep checking the school website for further information and for some work to do while you are at home tomorrow.

Our second bit of news, not quite as exciting, is that school is closed tomorrow. We have been told that rain is expected and we should close the school as a precaution, therefore there is no school (sadly) and no Cinema Night. Keep checking the school website for further information and for some work to do while you are at home tomorrow.
Don't forget, it's the Swimming Gala on Wednesday next week. Start practicing now!
Finally, our Mystery Question of the last couple of weeks has been answered! Perseus managed to slay the monster Medusa by using a special reflective shield which acted like a mirror. He could then see her without being turned to stone by her terrible eyes. Congratulations to Ethan who was the first person to get the correct answer. Who will be first with the new question?
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