This is a painting by Gustav Klimt, from Baumgarten, Austria. It is called 'Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I'. It is oil, silver and gold on canvas. It was painted in 1907 and was sold in New York in 2006 for $135 million, making it the most expensive painting in the world.
We had a few entries: Mohammad, Rayan, Thea and Ahmed. All answered the three parts of the question but Mohammad was first so well done to all!
Mr. Ward,
Mystery object
The Famous fashion designer who died recently is:
Yves Saint Laurent. He died in Paris Sunday 1st June, 2008 at the age of 71.
He considered as the greatest fashion designer of the 20th Century
Yves Saint Laurent most famous creation in 1966 is a classic tuxedo suit for women.
Dear Mr Ward,
The mystery object is so hard
Mystery object is Yves Henri Donat Saint Laurent died in June 1 he was a french dsigner Laurent' most famous creation in 1966 is classic tuxedo suit for women.
Wow! After someone else puts the answer up it suddenly gets much easier.
zit is hard but i have a brain
The Boss Ahmed
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