Monday, 30 June 2008
Wipe the tear, baby dear, from your eye
That's it then. Year 4 has come to an end for all of us and we're off to Year 5. I hope you've enjoyed your time in Y4-5. I know I've enjoyed teaching you, or trying to. Have a good holiday, take care and we'll see each other again in August.
Saturday, 28 June 2008
Today's Homework
- Er...
- There isn't any
- That's it
If you'd like to, you can have a go at cracking this code:
Csjoh b ljet ewe boe xf dbo xbudi ju jo dmbtt.
Tuesday, 24 June 2008
Today's Homework
- Wash your face
- Wear a clean (school!) t-shirt, ready to be tucked in
- Face the audience
- Smile!
Of course, this means that there is no written homework because of the End Of Year Celebration
Monday, 23 June 2008
Today's Homework
- Daily Maths E
- Finish the picture for the Magic Books story. You should finish the writing if the picture is already done.
Queens (and Kings) of the Catwalk
Saturday, 21 June 2008
Today's Homework
- Daily Maths C
- Draw a picture to go with your story of the future. It could be a book cover or an illustration. It should show the moment when you arrive in the future. You can give it in on Monday, which means I should be able to see how carefully you have done it in the two days available. Scribbled colouring and careless, half-finished drawing will show how little effort you have made.
You've Got To Work Hard If You Want To Compete
We were watching some break dancing this morning, along with lots of other kinds of dancing. Here's some more.
Mystery Object
Spellings Week Beginning 14/06/08
Friday, 20 June 2008
Tuesday, 17 June 2008
Monday, 16 June 2008
Today's Homework
- Daily Maths C
- Prepare a 10 second talk about your happiest memories of Year 4 and/or your hopes for Year 5. You will be videoed so try not to come to school with your breakfast spilled down your shirt.
Saturday, 14 June 2008
Mystery Object
The question last week was, 'Which famous fashion designer died recently?'
The answer was Yves Saint Laurent (YSL), who was most famous for designing the trouser suit for women at a time when women were never seen in trousers.

If you think about how often we see women and girls in trousers now, you can imagine how much fashion has changed since his invention.
The correct answers were provided by Thea, Mohammad, Rayan and Ahmed, in that order.
The answer was Yves Saint Laurent (YSL), who was most famous for designing the trouser suit for women at a time when women were never seen in trousers.

If you think about how often we see women and girls in trousers now, you can imagine how much fashion has changed since his invention.
The correct answers were provided by Thea, Mohammad, Rayan and Ahmed, in that order.
Today's Homework

- Daily Maths B
- Abacus Number 2 workbook p.80-81
- Learn your spellings (It's back!)
- On Tuesday I would like to video you talking a little about what you are looking forward to in Y5, what your happiest memory of Y4 was and things like that. It need only be 10 seconds or so. Try to have some idea of what you are going to say before then.
Wednesday, 11 June 2008
Extra Games

Of course, everything we do in Y4-5 is hard work, non-stop from morning till night but every once in a while I might tell the children about a game that I have enjoyed. I would never actually let them play the game themselves, oh no. So here are the games that I was telling you about today.
This is the Treasure Island game. You can find it again in the Explorers section.
This is a Dinosaur Dig game. You can find it again in the Maths section.
Tuesday, 10 June 2008
Today's Homework
- Daily Maths A
- Abacus SDM workbook p.124? I can't remember the page now! It's the one about co-ordinates.
- All the people who didn't do their artist homework or colour factfile homework need to give it in tomorrow. You know who you are.
Monday, 9 June 2008
Today's Homework
- Daily Maths D
- Make a colour fact file - cut out and stick your colour wheel in the centre of the paper you took today. Around the outside write what you know about colour. Here are some ideas you can think about: what are the primary and secondary colours; what colours go well together; what words do you know to describe colour; what colours can you make from light; how do you make colours? You can always think of your own ideas as well. Remember, this is a poster about colour so make it as colourful as possible.
Saturday, 7 June 2008
Today's Homework
- Daily Maths C - NOT A!!!!!!
- 100 square times table
- Abacus Shape, Data & Measure workbook p.126 - Venn Diagrams
Mystery Object

This is a painting by Gustav Klimt, from Baumgarten, Austria. It is called 'Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I'. It is oil, silver and gold on canvas. It was painted in 1907 and was sold in New York in 2006 for $135 million, making it the most expensive painting in the world.
We had a few entries: Mohammad, Rayan, Thea and Ahmed. All answered the three parts of the question but Mohammad was first so well done to all!
Tuesday, 3 June 2008
Today's Homework
- Daily Maths C
- Choose an artist from this list: Jackson Pollock, Piet Mondrian, Claude Monet, Gustav Klimt, Pablo Picasso, J.M.W. Turner, Georgia O'Keefe, Rennie Mackintosh. Research her/his style. Did their style change? Did the style have a name? Why did they paint like that? Can you find a painting to show what you are talking about? On Saturday we will see and hear presentations from people about their chosen artist.
Monday, 2 June 2008
Today's Homework
- Daily Maths E
- Abacus SDM workbook p.110-111
- Bring a white t-shirt to school by Saturday please. It can be a white, sleeved vest if you prefer. We are going to design and make our own t-shirts and white will be the best colour to add patterns and colours to.
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