I can see Fat Boy...Bucket Head Man...Red Dress Girl...er...
Thursday, 27 March 2008
Costume Parade - The Photos
Here they are, as promised. Shall we have a little quiz? Can you name the characters and the books they come from?
I can see Fat Boy...Bucket Head Man...Red Dress Girl...er...

I can see Fat Boy...Bucket Head Man...Red Dress Girl...er...
Book Week - The Photos
Wednesday, 19 March 2008
Book Week - The Finalé
Wow! What a great week we've had! I think our last day was the best; dressing up, having a parade, seeing a really exciting assembly and, of course, the best part was......
watching tv!!!! Ye-e-e-s-s-s!!
I've got lots of pictures of people in their costumes and I'll be adding them to the blog over the holidays.
In the meantime, have a great holiday and come back safely and rested next term.
Tuesday, 18 March 2008
Today's Homework
- Colour/paint/decorate your bookmark. We will judge the best bookmark tomorrow. Please make sure that you have done all of the decoration yourself, not asked someone else to do it for you.
- Plan 3 questions for your biography in detail - for example; your questions might be 1. Which countries have you visited?; 2.What are your hobbies?; 3. What jobs have you done? You should then try to think of more questions that will give you as much information about the answers as possible. eg When did you visit those countries? What did you think of them? What did you do in the countries? Who did you go with?
- Don't forget it's Costume Parade tomorrow!
Monday, 17 March 2008
Today's Homework
- Daily Maths D - Don't forget; do the bit inside the brackets first. You only need to write one answer.
- Bring your favourite book to school tomorrow - We will be writing book reviews
- Finish the Happy Family book
In response to a couple of murmurs in the classroom, let me remind everyone (except Rayyan) that we did these books in 2007. I told everyone on Saturday that they needed to have the book ready on Tuesday. There is NO excuse for not having it when we go down to the Y1 class tomorrow. Be warned.
Sunday, 16 March 2008
Mystery Object

The exact name, which nobody managed to get, was tetrahedron. So now you know.
Book Week
I just thought I'd update everyone with a couple of points.
Firstly, we are going to the Book Fair on Tuesday. It is not the kind of fair where you can buy books but more like a travelling Book Club. If you see any books that you like you can fill in an order form and give the money in on Wednesday at the very latest.
Secondly, it's Costume Parade on Wednesday. We'll be doing the parade pretty much straight away, in case any parents want to linger around to take photos. If you're trying to decide what character to come as, you can pick anyone who originally appeared in a book. 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin is not a book character but Little Red Riding Hood is, for example.
Have fun!
Firstly, we are going to the Book Fair on Tuesday. It is not the kind of fair where you can buy books but more like a travelling Book Club. If you see any books that you like you can fill in an order form and give the money in on Wednesday at the very latest.
Secondly, it's Costume Parade on Wednesday. We'll be doing the parade pretty much straight away, in case any parents want to linger around to take photos. If you're trying to decide what character to come as, you can pick anyone who originally appeared in a book. 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin is not a book character but Little Red Riding Hood is, for example.
Have fun!
Saturday, 15 March 2008
Today's Homework
- Daily Maths A
- Abacus SDM w/b p.113-114 (That means both!)
- Finish the Happy Family story, including the cover - Now, some people say that they can't find their story. I'm afraid that means they will have to write it again. Perhaps if it had been kept safely in their tray, where it should have been, they wouldn't have to do the same thing two times. Maybe this will help them learn to look after things. We should be going to read our stories to Y1 on Tuesday so you have until then to finish it.
Tuesday, 11 March 2008
Today's Homework
- Daily Maths 3
- Abacus SDM Workbook p.115
- Shape wordsearch - Remember, the words in the spelling test will be the shape words you've seen in your work this week.
- Find your all-time favourite book. Next week you'll be doing a book review and a presentation about your book so now would be a good time to find it, read it again and maybe start thinking about what you might want to say or write.
Monday, 10 March 2008
Today's Homework
Saturday, 8 March 2008
Today's Homework
- Daily Maths 1
- Learning Paper - ask your mum and dad (or any other adult) which things they think they are good at learning
- Cube - make it, decorate it, stick it
- Some people need to finish Abacus 2 p.19. It's the people who were talking the most, I think.
Wednesday, 5 March 2008
Mystery Objects
It's That Man Again! Rayyan pulled a surprise victory out of the bag with a very early answer to the Mystery Object question. In fact, he actually sent his answer in as a comment at the bottom of one of the messages on here! So, well done for using new technology AND getting the answer right!
Well done also to Mohammed, Ahmed, Aly and Anastasia who told me the correct answer. If I've missed your name from the list, let me know and I'll change it. So many people answered the question I had trouble remembering them. How different to the Maths Quiz in Jeddah Journal, which only had TWO correct answers from Y4.
For those of you who didn't get it, this is an image of the brain in cross-section.

So, if anyone cut a slice across your head, this is what they would see. Sort of.
For those that are interested, here's another question for you: which teacher's brain is this?
Well done also to Mohammed, Ahmed, Aly and Anastasia who told me the correct answer. If I've missed your name from the list, let me know and I'll change it. So many people answered the question I had trouble remembering them. How different to the Maths Quiz in Jeddah Journal, which only had TWO correct answers from Y4.
For those of you who didn't get it, this is an image of the brain in cross-section.

So, if anyone cut a slice across your head, this is what they would see. Sort of.
For those that are interested, here's another question for you: which teacher's brain is this?

Tuesday, 4 March 2008
Today's Homework
- Daily Maths 3
- Write 3 sentences in your writing book using your spelling words. Try to use the words you got wrong. If you are in the Blue group, use the other words which sound the same eg main, not mane
- Prepare presentation: Its TOMORROW! Here are some tips:
- Aim for at least 1 minute of talking
- Tell us about what you think of your country
- You could mention: places you've been, famous places, famous people, the best part about your country, mountains, lakes, the differences between your country and Saudi Arabia (if you're not from here)
- You could also try to teach us some words from your language (if it's not English)
- If you're telling us about what you think, do you really need to read from a paper?
Monday, 3 March 2008
Today's Homework
- Daily Maths 2
- Abacus 2 workbook p.50
- Copy the 'Winter Memory story neatly onto paper
- Begin researching your country for a presentation on Wednesday. You will need to speak for 1 minute about either the place where you are born or the place where your family are from.
Saturday, 1 March 2008
Today's Homework
- Daily Maths 1
- Learn spellings
- Finish the learning paper - we started it in class this morning. You need to tick the boxes to show how you like to learn
- Holiday plan - Write the answers in sentences or in paragraphs. Stick the paper in your topic book and write the answers next to it. Don't write it on the paper. You can give it in tomorrow or on Monday. Don't be late!
Spellings: Week Beginning 01/03/08
Blue Group
You will need to know the meanings of these words
rein reign
sew sow
rowed rode
scent sent
vain vein
plane plain
aloud allowed
main mane
Main + Yellow Group
Compound Words (not like Basateen)
Topic Words (for everyone)
You will need to know the meanings of these words
rein reign
sew sow
rowed rode
scent sent
vain vein
plane plain
aloud allowed
main mane
Main + Yellow Group
Compound Words (not like Basateen)
Topic Words (for everyone)
Mystery Object
Well done to Rayyan for the best answer to last week's question. This object

is John Harrison's first sea clock, an invention which allowed sailors to accurately measure their position for the first time. His invention led to advances in mapping and exploration. The clock can still be seen today, more than 200 years after it was invented.

is John Harrison's first sea clock, an invention which allowed sailors to accurately measure their position for the first time. His invention led to advances in mapping and exploration. The clock can still be seen today, more than 200 years after it was invented.
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