Here's a few photos of the posters that people made as part of their presentations of creation myths. As you might be able to see from the (small) pictures, a lot of work went in to them. They were very colourful, bright, covered in pictures and interesting for us to look at while we listened to the stories that were on them. I'll be trying to find a place in the classroom to display them so we can keep them around us for a while longer.

One of the most interesting aspects of the presentation, which we'll be thinking about this week, is the effect that these myths might have had on the people who told them. Many of the myths tell us that the Earth was created in conflict or because of an argument between different gods or people. Some of them talk about how one god created all that was good and then another god created all that was bad. Some say that one of the gods tricked another into creating things or even killing someone in order to have power over creation.

Only one myth, that we've come across, tells of how man and nature lived together originally and everything is equal in the eyes of the creator. I wonder if there is any connection between the creation myths and the way we see the world working around us?
Anyway, enough of that pessimistic talk. We are the children of the 21st century, as some old song puts it. We can create a better world tomorrow through our efforts today. Enjoy the photos!