It's fraction time again in Y4-5. Lots of us are having problems with fractions, especially converting one fraction to another. Here's an idea!
Look at the maths links in the side bar. There is a lot of information about fractions on the Marvellous Maths site.
Here's another one that's good. Click on this link. If you go to the bottom of that page, you can change the worksheet so that it gets harder, as you get better!
Saturday, 10 March 2007
Wednesday, 7 March 2007
New Bits
I've added a link to the collection on the side. It's under the heading 'Science'. As we're now studying electricity, I've found a site about safety and electricity. Some of it is for older kids but there are games and other things that will be helpful to us.
Have a look at it and see if there's anything you already know!
Have a look at it and see if there's anything you already know!
Tuesday, 6 March 2007
Writing it right
Congratulations to our winners! I don't know if you have noticed but the handwriting competition winners, which have been posted outside our room for the last couple of weeks, have had stars added to them. The stars tell you who came 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th in all of Y4 and the best two calligraphers in the year group are...
Arshee and Cara!!!
Well done you two. More apples are being grown, as we speak. I shall have to plant a special orchard for all of the apples that Arshee is winning.

Well done also to our other winners from Y4-5: Abdullah (who managed to spell his name right), Damian and Nadia.

Apples for you as well. Someone needs to keep track of them all!
Arshee and Cara!!!
Well done you two. More apples are being grown, as we speak. I shall have to plant a special orchard for all of the apples that Arshee is winning.

Well done also to our other winners from Y4-5: Abdullah (who managed to spell his name right), Damian and Nadia.

Apples for you as well. Someone needs to keep track of them all!
Earthquakes in the news
As we're on the subject of earthquakes and volcanoes and general geological activity, there has been an earthquake in Indonesia. Have a look at the BBC report here. It mentions a little bit about the centre of the earthquake and which parts of the world were affected. It also gives a little bit of information about other areas of Indonesia which have suffered from tsunamis and earthquakes over the last 5 years. A housepoint for anyone who can first tell me which months and years they happened in.
Sunday, 4 March 2007
Reading it Right
It was our class Book Week performance reading competition today. It seemed that everyone had practiced at home, which was encouraging, and there were some really good performances. Honourable mentions should go to Omar and Serena, who did very well but, when I added up the points that you gave them, the winners were: Tamara, Nadia and Arshee. Apples all round and well done to everybody else.

Saturday, 3 March 2007
Getting to the bottom of the problem
Oh, look at this.
It's a chair. But hold on though. It is sitting nicely on the floor and not being rocked backwards and forwards, from side to side or spun around on one leg. It can't be a chair from our classroom, can it Abdullah, Gasim, Omar, Mohammed, Nadia, Tara, Hamid or Damian?
Could everybody please try to remember how to use chairs this week? Pretty please? Thank you so much.

Could everybody please try to remember how to use chairs this week? Pretty please? Thank you so much.
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